ACMS Beta Club has food drive in the can


First-year Beta Club members Ellie Staten, Ryanna Hale, and Ainsley Bryant, organized a food drive that resulted in over 1,000 non-perishable food items being collected for the Adair County Food Pantry.
“The whole goal of our service learning is we have to do service projects and write about them (and) we were thinking of service projects to do and we thought this would be a great one to do,” Staten shared.
The girls planned the food drive as a competition among homerooms, with a grand prize of a snow cone party, which will take place after fall break. The prize was won by Mrs. Jennifer Hardin’s homeroom, and overall, sixth grade brought in the most food items.
Thanks to the competition, the middle school gathered 1,024 canned goods, ramen, mac-and-cheese and more. Head Beta Club sponsor and ACMS teacher Angel Woodrome emphasized how much the project was planned by the three themselves.
“They (took the reins). The thing about Beta is leadership. That’s one of the pillars. So they come up with the service learning project, and I’m like, ‘This is on you. You’ve got to figure out what to do and how to do it.’ And they did.”
The girls plan to take their project to Lexington in January as part of the Beta Club’s state convention.
“We hope this gives people that don’t have a lot something and it helps them out,” Staten said.
By Kenley Godby

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