Judge Murphy receives 14-day suspension


Circuit Judge Judy Vance Murphy has received a 14-day suspension for apparently violating several codes in the Code of Judicial Conduct.

Below is the press release along with a link to details concerning the violation. Judge Murphy has referred a request for comments to an attorney, who has not replied back at this time.

Update 5:04 p.m. Judge Murphy was contacted this morning to give her an opportunity to make a statement. She referred the Community Voice to attorney Elmer George. George was contacted and has responded but was not available to make a statement at this time. He said he would make a statement on Murphy's behalf soon.

FRANKFORT, KY., November 12, 2024 –
The Judicial Conduct Commission makes public the Agreed Order of Suspension, In Re the Matter of: Judy Vance Murphy, Circuit Court Judge, 29th Judicial Circuit.
To access the order, use this link: https://www.kycourts.gov/Courts/JCC%20Actions%20Documents/2024_agreedorderMurphy11092024.pdf
Judicial Conduct Commission
The mission of the Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission is to protect the public, to encourage judges, commissioners and candidates for judicial office to maintain high standards of conduct, and to promote public confidence in the integrity, independence, competence, and impartiality of the judiciary.
The Commission accomplishes this mission through its investigation of complaints of judicial misconduct, wrongdoing or disability. In cases where judges, commissioners and candidates for judicial office are found to have engaged in misconduct or to be incapacitated, the Kentucky Constitution authorizes the Commission to take appropriate disciplinary action, including issuing admonitions, reprimands, censures, suspensions, or removal from office.

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