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The Lady Indians have two more wins to their name after Friday and Saturday saw the girls conquer the East Carter Raiders and Holy Cross from Louisville. The East Carter game, held Friday, was the …

Not looking to take a holiday break, the Indians have spent the last two weeks expanding their win percentages by dominating the Trinity Shamrocks and Mason County’s Royals by big margins, and …

Little league basketball and little league cheerleading signups will begin soon. There are separate forms for basketball and cheerleading and the correct form must be filled out for your child to …

Check out the 2023-2024 Pre K Little League Groups

Monday Nov. 13 5:50 K-1 Red Indians vs Blue Indians 6:50 K-1 Black Indians vs. Gray Indians 7:59 K-1 Gray Indians vs. Green Indians Thursday Nov. 16 5:50 2-3 Red Tribe vs. Blue Tribe 6:50 2-3 Black …

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