School board implements new public comment policy


The Adair County School Board is implementing new rules of conduct for public comments following what Superintendent Jason Faulkner called “a rough meeting” last month.
“I felt like the conduct of the visitors who were here to speak was completely uncalled for,” Faulkner said during last Thursday’s board meeting. “We had staff members that were verbally attacked. I don’t think that is appropriate ... If there is an issue with a staff member, that needs to be addressed with me in a one-on-one setting, not in a public forum.”
The board unanimously approve the new rules, which allow the public to sign up and speak for up to two minutes. If multiple members of an organization want to speak, they will be required to select one person to represent them.
The chairman may rule on whether a topic is relevant to the board’s agenda. In addition, public criticism of individual board members or staff is not allowed. Concerns about the board’s actions should be directed to the board as a whole.
Speakers will remain in a designated speaking location. In addition, written comments are accepted but will not be read during the meeting.
The board also voted to allow the superintendent to enforce the rules of conduct as necessary.
Last week’s meeting was the first for newly elected board member Teresa Absher, who was sworn in at the beginning of the evening. Dana King and Troy Grider were also sworn in as they begin their second term on the board.
Terry Harvey was voted by his peers to be chairman of the board, and Destiny Greer was elected vice chair. Carolee Lloyd will continue as secretary, and Robbie Harmon will continue as treasurer. Board meetings will continue to be held on the third Thursday at 6 p.m.
During the superintendent’s report, Faulkner said their goals will continue to focus on retaining staff, and he hopes they will be able to add more pay increases in the next budget. They will continue to review employment benefits as well. The district implemented pay raises and added a maternity leave this past year.
Faulkner reported that a new grant writing position was paying off, with more than $44,000 in grants being approved so far. The district has submitted grant applications for $2.6 million in projects.
Robby Harmon, director of pupil personnel, is putting some fun in the district’s efforts to encourage attendance and announced that Adair County Primary Center is the first school to win in a new contest.
There won’t be any boxing matches, but a spirited competition will garner one school the bragging rights to wear the flashy championship belt and medal each month.
Samantha Harrelson’s class had 100% perfect attendance for the last six in person days (it’s been a short in person month!). Laramie Pelston’s class had 90% perfect attendance for the last six in person days.
Dana Parnell gave an update on the district’s nutritional programs. Parnell said the district has qualified for students to eat free for four more years.
They have undergone a USDA review with no issues and have had one health inspection so far, earning a 100 percent score.
Parnell said she has added some new food items to the menu and has received a lot of positive feedback. She plans to gradually add more items.
The high school agriculture department asked for permission to purchase a 2025 Chevrolet Silverado. The department has received grant funding but must have board approval for the purchase.
Ag teacher Gabby McCauley explained that they often have to borrow trucks to haul items to competitions and often make multiple trips. With the new truck they will also be able to eliminate the need to take a bus when then only have a few students competing.
The board approved the request.
The 2025-26 school calendar, a draft budget and the monthly financial statement were all approved.
Faulkner told the board that they should be able to break ground on the new football field and track at the end of February or early March.
The board will meet again on Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. at the Board of Education, 1204 Greensburg St.

By Sharon Burton

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