David Denney appeared in Circuit Court Tuesday and pleaded not guilty to murder. Denney, 44, has been charged with murder stemming from the Nov. 16, 2022 death of Darcey Nadine Albee, 38. Adair …
The July announcement that Pennyroyal Barrel Co. will be investing $8.52 million into a project at the Green River Commerce Park has sparked attention for the company owners from across the world. …
Homeplace on Green River provided a wealth of entertainment during Saturday’s annual fall heritage festival. Shown above, Lilly Grace takes the reigns as dad, Christopher Harl, cooks sorghum. …
The prospective company is interested in building a 15,000 sq. ft. building on 6 acres, according to Larry Walker, EDA chairman.
A request by County Judge Executive Larry Russell Bryant to add a full-time position in his office met with opposition during a special fiscal court meeting last week. Bryant requested that a …
Congratulations to the Columbia High School graduating class of 1953 who held its 70-year reunion. At least five students of the original class were able to meet and reminisce about their days at …
City officials are trying to determine what to do with tax revenue generated from hotels for the purpose of tourism promotion that was earmarked for a tourism commission that never became active. …
The Adair County sheriff’s office is investigating an injury accident that occurred Tuesday on Highway 55 South. According to reports, the Adair County 911 center received a call that a …
Revisit Knifley Festival The weekend promises a lot of fun and weather forecasts look promising as two special events will provide entertainment for people of all ages. Revisit Knifley …
Hwy. 55 south is closed following an accident at the 8481 address area. A dump truck overturned and the driver has been transported to T.J. Health Columbia with minor injuries. As a result of …
FRANKFORT – Gov. Andy Beshear announced a record $386 million investment to expand high-speed internet access to more than 42,600 homes and businesses in 46 counties , including Adair. …
COLUMBIA, Ky. – On August 31, 2023, Kentucky State Police (KSP) Post 15 received information of a possible stolen enclosed trailer containing tools at a residence located on White Oak …
Lindsey Wilson College students are back on campus for the 2023-24 academic school year. Monday, August 21 was the first day of classes for the 120-year-old liberal arts college following …
A back-to-school bash that also doubled as a ribbon cutting for the city’s new splash pad drew a steady crowd for several hours during a hot August day Friday. With a heat advisory in …
David Denney appeared in Circuit Court via video conference from the Adair County jail on a murder charge Tuesday, but his arraignment has been delayed. Denney, 44, has been charged with murder …
Adair County is filled with historical buildings and monuments that tell the history of the town. Some of these buildings are still in use today while others are being preserved for years to …
Do you think your community has a specific need or opportunity for improvement? Do you want to see more community education about a certain topic? If so, the Community Needs Assessment Survey is the …
The Adair County High School Band held its annual Mark Twain concert over the weekend where it hosted performances by nine other bands from the commonwealth of Kentucky. The ACHS Band also kicked off …
Two buildings that are part of the rich history of Adair County are now blended together, as bricks that came from the historic Hurst-Foust house are now part of the historic courthouse. The bricks …
Law enforcement is investigating what has been called suspicious circumstances after EMS responded to a report that CPR was being performed on a 3-year-old boy Tuesday night. Adair County EMS was called to 240 Jay Wheeler Rd. at 8:36 p.m. with a report that a father returned home to find the child unconscious and not breathing.
The list of events for Downtown Days is growing, and the latest announcement is sure to make the festival a special homecoming for locals who have moved away. “We’ve always …
Congratulations to all the Adair County youth who participated in the 2023 Kentucky State Fair Cloverville! Two youths received Class Champions: Hudson Hancock - Crops Project - Yellow-ear Corn Last …
The Kentucky Agricultural Development Board recently approved $206,000 in Agricultural Development Funds for the 2023 Adair County County Agricultural Investment Program to be administered by …
A two and a half hour fiscal court meeting covered topics ranging from a payroll tax to a rock shaped like the state of Kentucky, with 50 minutes including public comments about slander, bad roads …
An increase in the value of property sold in Adair County this past year will allow the school district to increase property tax revenue by 4 percent by taking a rate increase of less than one cent …