The following information was submitted to the letter to the editor information form on first name: Rodney last name: White address: PO Box 504 city: Columbia …
Sometimes, I forget that I have been doing this forever. I decided I wanted to be a journalist while in high school, and I earned a journalism degree in college. Following college, except …
When is the last time you learned something new? That may sound trivial, but it is an important question. I first decided to ask it because of some concerns I have about people who have been in …
Kentucky is not only famous for its horse racing and bourbon, but also for its vibrant agricultural heritage. If you need proof, there is no better place than our farmers markets to appreciate what …
FRANKFORT, KY (July 8, 2023) — The following is a statement from Senator Max Wise, R-Campbellsville, on Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s motion to lift the temporary injunction on Senate …
I was awake as the storm moved through our area late Sunday night and early Monday morning. As our electricity went off, I continued to listen to a scanner to hear communications between our emergency services.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. The federal grand jury that recently indicted Donald Trump certainly did. Trump publicly and repeatedly confirmed that he intentionally took classified documents, hid them in his private residence, and tried to prevent law enforcement from obtaining what he stole.
It’s one of those weeks where I pull up this page on my computer and stare. I’ve looked at newspapers I subscribe to for ideas of what to write, but I continue to see an empty page. It’s not that I don’t have anything on my mind, it’s just the opposite. My brain is overflowing this morning, and I’m just not sure what I want to share.
A friend of mine has been quite enamored with the potential for AI recently, and she was telling me about something she heard. We are both fans of Elon Musk, and she shared that he gave a vision of the future where AI-driven vehicles would be busy making their owners some money while the owners were at work.
We just finished up tallying our Readers Choice votes and are now busy letting our winners know the good news.
As I waited for County Clerk Lisa Greer and her staff to check in the final precinct officers of the evening and get a final tally for Tuesday’s Primary Election, I reminisced about the past. On Tuesday, the few members of the press who were on duty for the election sat at a table in the courthouse annex basement and listened as election board member Ricky Collins read off each precinct total.
It was an honor for my staff and me to host a celebration to recognize this year’s 20 Under 40 class during a banquet last week. As I researched our winners to compile information on them, I came away as I do every year, encouraged by their character and resilience.