Boys crush Hornets, fend off Cardinals


This week saw the Adair County Indians add two more wins to their now six-game winning streak.
On Friday, the boys followed the girls to host Taylor County. While the girls suffered a narrow defeat, the boys eked out a narrow win. The final tally sat at 69 to 64 in favor of the Indians.
One of the biggest contributors to the boys’ win was in making 75% of their free-throws and almost 60% of their total field goals. They shot 49 field goals and made 29 of them, and made 6 of their 8 free throws.
Three of those free throw attemps and scores came from the highest-scorer in Friday night’s game, Isaiah Cochran. The senior made nine two-points out of nine attempts. Combined with his free throws, he threw up 21 points to the scoreboard.
Connor Loy was the second-highest scorer of the night. He got 19 points by making eight of 11 two-pointers and one three-pointer. Brayton Coomer scored 14 points with seven two-pointers; Dawson Gilbert, a junior, got three of three attempted free-throws and two of three attempted three-pointers. Lane Grant and Carter White both got three points each.
The very next day, the boys traveled to Metcalfe County for an away game. There, they squashed the hornets 87 to 49.
Connor Loy, in this game, swapped places with Isaiah Cochrane to deliver 23 points for his team. Cochran came in second with 20 points. Most of these points were mined from two-pointers, though Cochran also managed three out of his four free-throw attempts. This game also featured standout performances from John Shehan, Lane Grant, and Samuel Feese who also managed 100% of field goals attempted. Brayton Coomer made 8 out of 9.
The Indians now rest at a comfortable 15 to 4 win ratio. Their six-game winning streak will be put to the test when they play Campbellsville this Friday at the Adair County High School gym. The game starts at 7 p.m.

By Kenley Godby

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